Angel Number 707 Meaning: 5 Beautiful Messages You Need to Hear!

One thing’s for sure; angel number 707 is an incredibly powerful and life-changing sequence to receive! Not only does it mean you’re on the cusp of a breakthrough and are going through a deep spiritual awakening, but it has ties to your soul’s unique and wondrous purpose on Earth too!

Let’s dig deeper.


Angel number 707 means you’re definitely on the right track to making your greatest desires, wishes and dreams come true! This is the number of miracles, of transformation, of growth, of rebirth.

You’re at a beautiful turning point in your life, one where anything and everything becomes possible for you, and the Universe is slowly, but surely connecting you with your soul mission on Earth (read on to see exactly how).

Right now, you’re being gifted with the spirit of freedom and fast, forward movement, so whatever ideas and visions you have, this is your giant spiritual green light to run with them.

Hand over all your doubts, worries, and fears to your loving angels and take baby steps in the right direction.

Not only that but when you see angel number 707, you can be sure you’re going through an intense period of spiritual growth, but this isn’t any old growth.

This is the kind of growth that will give you the courage to overcome obstacles, take that all-important leap of faith, launch into abundance and finally believe in yourself.

Trust me when I say the meaning of angel number 707 is resoundingly positive!


Here’s where it gets interesting. 707 is a number that has always fascinated me. Why?

Because 1) it doesn’t show up often, and 2) it’s a palindrome. Palindrome numbers are highly auspicious numbers that can be read backward just as they can be read forward.

angel number 707 as a palindrome number

Spiritually, the message behind angel number 707 is one of spiritual continuity; that no matter what happens in your external surroundings or your external world, you cannot ever truly lose yourself.

Things can completely fall apart and you’ll always find your way back again. Life is a state of constant ebbs and flows, but at the end of it, you’re still whole.

You’re beyond blessed when you see angel number 707.



Angel number 707 asks you to view your life as one big giant canvas; a canvas you’re free to design however you wish!

You owe it to yourself to start living your life, unapologetically! You’ve given more than enough to others. Now it’s time to reconnect with yourself and to ask what it is that YOU truly want in this lifetime. 

  • What will *really* make you happy?
  • What parts of your inner self have you been neglecting that now need to come to light?
  • What dreams have you let go of because of others?

This is a higher call to explore the deeper aspects of your innermost being, not with judgment or with the view of healing, but with compassion and child-like curiosity.

This is a beautiful opportunity to assess and reflect, a pivot point, to make sure you’re leading a life that’s actually true to you. 


This is a rare message, but if you connect with it, it has the ability to change the way you see yourself and your life forever.

If you’ve ever felt as though your soul did not originate from Earth, it’s possible you may be a starseed healer – a highly spiritual, sensitive, and intuitive being here to morph and transform the energy within the world.

This article might have even been ‘sent’ to you to trigger your starseed awakening. There are many different types of starseeds, but Pleiadian starseed is what sticks out the most with angel number 707.

The Pleiades constellation, also known as the ‘Seven Sisters’ has 7 identifiable stars visible to the naked eye.

Seeing angel number 707 could be a gentle nudge from your soul family to unleash your true potential and being on Earth. Are you here to shift in a new paradigm?


Did you know that you’re an effortless manifestor? Seeing angel number 707 represents your natural-born ability to create abundance and success in your life; an ode to your ability to manifest opportunities just brimming with potential.

Seeing angel number 707 acts as a nod of encouragement from your angels, reminding you that you truly have all the tools and skills within you to make your vision a reality.

You’re more capable than you ever give yourself credit for!


Similar to spotting angel number 333, angel number 707 signals the quickening of your personal evolution and power.

You might feel like your life is becoming increasingly hard to control, and that’s because you’re trying to tame something that’s meant to be inherently wild.

  • Start saying ‘yes’ to more things that scare you.
  • Leap out of your comfort zone.
  • Embrace the unknown with open arms.

Your angels are asking you to move with the flow. Now is the time to let go of all preconceived ideas and notions and just enjoy the ride.

Trying to figure things out, find logical explanations, or guess what will happen based on reason and fact won’t provide you with the happiness, joy, and security you seek.

Your job is to stay the course even if the pace of these changes makes you feel dizzy and overwhelmed. The universe will only give you what you can handle.


Like a caterpillar morphing into a beautiful butterfly, you’re going through intense stages of spiritual metamorphosis.

This growth will free you from limitations and allow you to develop even greater psychic abilities. 

This could be a traditional psychological spiritual awakening or even a kundalini awakening. I’ve created an intuitive diagram that guides your soul to the right article.

a diagram showing the psychological spiritual awakening versus the kundalini awakening with angel number 707

You’ve long sown the seeds of transformation and now you’re being called to surrender any faulty beliefs, paradigms, or ‘shoulds’ that have been imposed on you from a young age. 

Additional hidden meanings to note:

  • You’re freer than you think (I saw a person in a wood lodge in the middle of a beautiful forest during visualization, but they believed they were stuck, when they only had to open the door to become free)
  • Everything will work out in the end
  • Solutions are coming to you. Fast.
  • You’ll overcome the challenges and obstacles that are testing you
  • Time to hone in on your intuition, where is it trying to lead you?
  • You’re always loved and surrounded by the higher powers of the Universe
  • You have unlimited potential


Angel number 707 is the number of the seeker, the lightworker, and the divine healer. It signals that this is a wonderful time for new beginnings!

If you’re considering a career switch or moving into something more aligned with your spiritual and personal values, go for it! Your superior intuition is guiding you in this direction.


Angel number 707 carries a message that being a lightworker or spiritual person doesn’t mean being a pushover or letting other people steamroll over your ideas, beliefs, and visions.

You don’t have to be nice to people who treat you badly just because you’re empathic.

707 is a message of standing up for yourself and tending to your own emotional, mental, and physical needs before that of someone else’s.

Sidestepping individuals who wish to dim your light is absolutely necessary and doesn’t make you a bad person.


This is a wonderful message for wealth! Number 7 is ruled by Neptune, the planet of artistic, creative, and imaginative endeavors. 

Whatever your mind can imagine can become a living reality, and that includes financial security. 

Whether you desire a large sum of money you can pass on for generations or enough to be able to live comfortably, angel number 707 is a positive and highly auspicious omen to achieving your goal.

Side hustles, promotions, investments, and networking opportunities are all auspicious right now.

the meaning of angel number 707


In a committed relationship and like where it’s going? Number 707 is a major sign of taking your relationship to new heights! This is a relationship filled with love, adoration, trust, respect, and mutual values.

Moving in together, going on extra-long date nights, enjoying each other’s company, starting a family, moving abroad, meeting the parents all are possible for you right now. A beautiful and wondrous sign to receive!

In a relationship but not sure about it? In this case, number 707 can speak of needing to move forward alone. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to split up with your partner, but it does mean you need to focus on yourself and your specific needs.

  • Do you struggle to see where you end and the other person starts? 
  • If you were to break up, what would be left of you; the real you? 
  • Have you become too lost in the relationship that you’ve lost sight of yourself along the way?
  • Are you too scared to let them go in fear of not finding someone else even though you know you’re not compatible?

Your angels are asking you to practice the art of non-attachment; the idea that whatever happens, it’s okay, because you were fine before they came into your life, and you will be fine without them too.

This isn’t a message to distance yourself from love, but rather give some of your wholesome, magnificent love to yourself first before you give it away to another soul.

For singles, number 707 usually appears when there’s a situation bordering on unhealthy obsession.

  • Is there someone in your life you’re lusting over? 
  • Are you trying hard to ‘change someone’s mind’? 
  • Are you chasing their attention? 
  • Or are you simply obsessed with the idea of someone loving you, so much so that it consumes your mind and it’s making you desperately unhappy?

This is a tough message to surrender such energy. 

Whilst you’re busy knocking on the door that’s not for you, your loving guides are lining up more fated meetings, synchronicities, and better energetic matches – you need only let go to receive.

So much beautiful love is on the horizon for you!


This will be one mighty spiritual connection under the influence of powerful 707. And it’s likely on its way fairly soon, so expect a twin flame reunion if you haven’t already met them!

This twin flame connection will force you to awaken to your untapped potential and will ignite a deeper passion within you. They’ll mirror back your deepest desires and even fears and open a giant portal for healing.

This relationship will push you to do better, be better, but also relinquish all that’s inauthentic.

Even if the connection wasn’t meant to last a lifetime, it will open up a world of possibilities you never even thought were possible. 

Currently going through a twin flame separation? 707 calls you not to panic. Your twin flame journey demands spiritual, mental, and emotional growth and separation is often part of the process.

When you do come back into spiritual harmony, you’ll find your connection is stronger than ever. 


I felt pulled to write this section, though I don’t usually for my angel number posts.

If you or a child of yours sees angel number 707 (or 7:07) on a clock, this is a deep innate spiritual calling. You’re going through a deep activation and time of remembrance.

Ever heard of Crystal or Indigo Children? It’s highly likely you’re one of these rare, yet highly empathic, loving, and nurturing beings.

You have soul origins within the cosmos and are connected to this magnificent ecosystem.

It’s no coincidence there are seven wonders of the world, seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, seven planets within our solar system, seven days in a week, seven seas, seven continents etc. 


  • Hone in on your desires, what do you want to become a reality?
  • Lean into spiritual practices and hobbies for greater personal discovery e.g. tarot, oracle, reiki etc
  • Do the inner work, and free yourself from self-sabotage, perfectionism, doubt, and needless worry
  • Make those much-needed changes, starting with the smallest first
  • Take that giant leap of faith!

Make sure to watch out for harmonious numbers such as: master number 77, angel number 0707, angel number 57, as well as angel number 1717.

All of which will give you the guidance you need to hear to continue the next phase of your journey.

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Have you seen angel number 707 recently? Which messages resonate with you?

a picture of charlotte, the founder of Typically Topical, smiling


Charlotte Kirsten

Charlotte is a renowned Trauma Psychotherapist, Astrologer, and Founder of Typically Topical. With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month.

For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. You can find her on Twitter.

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